Legal information
The site is managed by the company Siblu France SAS.
Siblu France
Corporation type: Société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint-stock company)
Corporate capital: 3 043 488,00 euros
Registered with the Bordeaux RCS (French business register) under the number: 321 737 736
Head office: EUROPARC - 10 av. Léonard de Vinci - 33600 Pessac - France
SIRET number (company registration number): 321 737 736 000 58
APE code (industrial classification code): 5530Z
Intracommunity VAT number: FR 73 321 737 736
Publication Manager: SIMON CRABBE in his capacity as CEO of Siblu France SAS
Telephone: +33 (0) 5 56 07 90 00
Fax: +33 (0) 5 56 36 88 92
Corporation type: Société par actions simplifiée
Corporate capital: 360 590,00 euros
Registered with the Paris RCS under the number: 521 496 059
Head office: 131 Boulervard de Sebastopol - 75002 Paris - France
Telephone: 01 40 09 30 00